A Guide to Getting the Best Vehicle Shipping Quote
As with most things one of the key factors to ensuring you're getting the best vehicle shipping quote you can is arming yourself with the suitable knowledge. Research using the web and inquire vehicle shipping companies any questions you might have, do not be afraid to be silly however do so before you ring to your automobile shipping quote. Some pretty quick searching online will bring up numerous websites regarding a car shipping quote and you should be studying more than a few of those sites before you even consider beginning to get estimates for your website. Write down anything you've got any questions about and can not find the answer to; also write down any services that you need and whatever differs based on the automobile shipping company you're looking at. A good example could be level of automobile shipping insurance policy cover or if they do door to door shipping. Armed with this information you will be better placed to find an accurate vehicle shipping quote.
Start your list.
From the services that you have written down determine any factors that you consider essential. Maybe you need door to door shipping and nothing else will do, in this case write that down.
Make initial contact.
Now, ring around as many businesses as possible to get quotes. Be certain you inform them of any services that you deem to be essential. Tell the automobile shipping company there quote should include door to door shipping and you do not need a quote that does not offer that service. When asking for a quote inform them that you and a couple of friends are trying to send your motorcycles and you would like a quote them off for your bicycle to get an idea of the purchase price. They won't offer you bulk discount but they will most likely give you a better price to attempt to acquire the larger order.
Compile and discard.
As soon as you've got a lot of quotes in, compile a list of those quotations with costs and key points (such as services) for all your car or truck shipping quote. Now, eliminate any that don't supply the critical services you need; eliminate these regardless of the purchase price of the quote; do not forget these are services you can not do without. Next, eliminate any outrageously substantial quotes which don't provide anything exceptional. Even if they do provide something exceptional if it is a luxury you should discard them also. You should be left with quotations at an affordable price that provide at least whatever you require. Now compare those you've left and eliminate the few that give the least for the money. This will give you a shortlist of companies that are providing similar services for a fair amount of money.
This can't be said enough. Ring all back the companies and let them know that you've got a cheaper offer or an offer in a similar amount but with a little something extra. It's wonderful how often the absolute rock bottom cost a car shipping company has provided you turns out to have a little room for movement. You can keep doing this until all of the firms have finally had enough and refuse to budge.
If you follow all these steps you should be left with a single company that provides you the best value for money out of your automobile shipping quote.